
A Ton of Love Draft Horse Rescue was founded in August of this year. We decided to keep a detailed blog about taking on our first rescue. We feel that it is important to show those who have donated and supported us along the way exactly where there money went and that they really DID make a difference. The experience will no doubt be difficult but rewarding.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Question and Answer - About the Rescue

(Stephanie Writing)

This is a detailed QandA that is mandatory for all rescues who are interested in fund-raising and adopting horses that run through the Camelot Auction house on Wednesdays. Camelot Weekly, an organization devoted to networking and finding the horses in the #10 Lot from going to slaughter, has over eight thousand people in their network. They're an amazing system of philanthropists, rescues, transports, etc.

Here is our QandA: 

A Ton of Love Draft Horse Rescue, Inc.
120 Miller Road
Guilford, NY 13780

1. As the person completing this questionnaire, what is your position with regard to the rescue?
Stephanie Hanchett - Director

2. Is the rescue incorporated? If so in what state? Please provideonliine link to State's website showing your incorporation.

New York State, Department of State, Records and Corporations Division
Link to Our Articles of NY's Website

If so, do you have the legal authority to speak for the Board of Directors?

Who are the members of the Board of Directors (please provide an email or other contact information; if your website provides this information, please identify your website URL in this answer) (Note: The names of the Board of Directors for incorporated businesses may be validated by calling the office of the Secretary of State.)

Stephanie Hanchett
Susan Beach
John Hanchett
Lucille Creighton
Damian Bozzacco
Linda Hanchett
Christopher Hopkins

3. Is the rescue a 501 c 3 IRS rescue? When was this exemption granted? If the exemption has not been granted, when did the rescue commence the application process?
We filed our 1023 with the IRS on 12/20/2010
501(c)(3) status pending.

4. What is the physical address of the rescue (Note: Satellite views of most, but not all, locations are available at

120 Miller Road
Guilford, NY 13780

5. What is the legal nature of the property upon which the rescue animals reside (personal property, property of the corporation, rented property, other as described.)

Personal Property of Lisa and Michael Algiere – 17 acres in Chenango County, NY

How many foster facilities are associated with the rescue?

At this time, 1 foster facility. Five more have expressed interest in fostering rescues and they are being reviewed by our board.

6. Is the facility a rescue, sanctuary or both?

7. At the time of this questionnaire, how many equines reside at the rescue and any foster facilities associated with the rescue?

Five horses

8. What is the date on which the rescue or sanctuary took in the first animal and since that date, how many have been adopted out or officially transferred to another rescue?

We got our first rescue in December 2010. He is still being rehabilitated and is available for adoption.

9. What is the primary source of financial resources which pay for the maintenance and emergency needs of the rescue’s equine residents? What is the source of any supplemental funding (please separate local fund raising, ABR fund raising and any other internet fund raising such as Facebook)? Approximately what percentage does each source make up for the total funding of the rescue?

50% Personal Income
25% Fundraising events
25% Donations

We have summited applications for several grants but the majority of them will not be decided until March/April 2011.

10. What percentage of your budget do you spend on each of the following: bail; feed. hay and supplements; veterinarian; farrier; land (purchased or rented); maintenance of facility (equipment and structures.)

Bail – 10%, Feed/Hay/Supplements – 75%, Vet./Farrier – 10%, Maintenance - 5%

11. Who physically provides for the care of the rescue’s equines?
I live on property along with my husband. My Aunt is here daily. Other people help when they can.

Is there an attendant at the rescue 24/7?

During an emergency affecting the primary caretaker(s) , who would provide care for the animals.
Susan Beach

12. What information is discussed with the Board of Directors and at what intervals do you have meetings.
We meet twice a year formally. However, if something needs to be dealt with, we use the internet/phone as a medium for communication.

13. How many volunteers do you have and what is the nature of duties they perform? How often are you assisted by volunteers?
We have 5 to 10 volunteers. As we head into the spring, we’re going to be getting on a more formal schedule.

14. Who is your primary veterinarian? Is he/she available as a reference?
Rachel Fraser
Leatherstocking Equine Veterinary
Yes, she is available by phone and she is also my friend on Facebook.

15. Who is your farrier? Is he/she available as a reference?

Angelo Mendolia – Yes
607- 349-1095

16. Where do you shop for grain? Who is the manager? Is he/she available as a reference?
Country Max – Norwich, NY
It’s a Family owned business.  I’m the crazy girl with the Clydesdale. They know me. J

17. What is your primary source of hay?
Chuck Frank
Mt. Upton, NY
Amazing First Cut

18. Describe what the status of the animals would be if the primary caretaker(s) became suddenly unable to provide care for both the short-term and long-term?

No change. Status on the people - we'd be some hurtin' puppies!

19. What is your procedure for adopting animals (please discuss your pre-adoption and post-adoption processes.)
                1. Family expresses interest in horse.
                2. Fill out adoption application.
                3. Board Review/Interview – Meet and Greet the Horse
                4. Home Check

20. Once an equine is at the new home, how do you approach follow-up of the animal?
Facebook, Visitation, Communication, Annual Updates

21. Do you have an adoption contract? If so, how is the subject of breeding handled?
Yes, we have a detailed adoption contract. In general, breeding is not authorized. However, an exception may arise and we reserve the right to make a decision on a case to case basis.

22. Once an animal is taken into the rescue, how is its level of training evaluated?
First, we evaluate the horse based on ground manners. Leading, voice commands, how they act around humans during feeding and other interactions. Then, we make an individual evaluation plan and progress by starting under saddle, basic commands, W/T/C, Western/English. If necessary, we contact someone who is experienced in a type of riding that we’re not capable of training. We also test for ground driving skills and go from there when applicable.

23. What is the rescue’s program for basic ground training of equines that have that initial level of need?
All horses get a basic ground training when I bring them on property. We are constantly reinforcing ground training. We use the methods that are used by NAHRA. I am a big fan of positive reinforcement and repetition. I often am complimented on how well my horses behave. J It makes me so happy. I normally don’t brag about it but

24. What is the rescue’s program for starting horses that have that level of need (please include at what age you would start an individual horse.)
We have two separate programs. One is for standard horses and one is for draft horses. We are strict about not starting a horse under saddle before their done growing. This doesn’t mean that we don’t work with them. We do some light round pen work and longing. We also take them for walks on a lead, like a big dog. We find that is an excellent way for a young horse to start paying attention to the person handling him and not the herd that he’s leaving behind. Also, living in a country setting  we can slowly expose them to cars, other animals, cats and dogs.

After starting under saddle (no earlier than three for a standard horse, and four and half for draft), we would decide on a discipline. In my experience, a horse picks their discipline as much as we do. If further training is required, we’d consider having a trainer come and work with them.

25. What is the rescue’s program for the retraining of horses to make them more adoptable because their present training level is not conducive to adoption (e.g., the OTTB who needs to be training for another activity?)
Currently, we have an OTTB and she now rides English and Western. Our method was simple – we learned what her behavior and training was and used it to help us see that she was trying to do what we wanted her to do. Slowly, we retrain horses. We use our abilities and skills as well as the other horses. We found that Sophia (our OTTB) learned by watching Ajax (a non-rescue). “My body can bend? I don’t have to run straight all the time??”

26. What is your experience with regard to initial training and retraining of horses and other equines that serves to support that you possess the ability to be successful with such activities?
My personal experience toward training comes from my two years training horses for STRIDE of CNY.  STRIDE was a NAHRA sanctioned therapeutic riding facility. I started out as a part time barn help and ended up being the Assistant Director. During that time, I worked with horses of all sizes and disciplines. It was truly a great learning experience.

27. What is the rescue’s program for the retraining of horses that exhibit traits likely brought on by improper training?
We find it very important take each horse individually and evaluate them. The behavior that they’re exhibiting might be from improper training or from the trauma of their past few weeks of being shuffled around. Some horses who were just taught to do something wrong will retrain easily, whereas others have had bad habited ingrained into their daily habit may takes weeks or months to overcome.

28. How does the leadership of the rescue approach end-of-life decision for the equine residents (please discuss the circumstances for which such decisions would be necessary and what life-ending procedure(s) would be utilized?)
When the time comes, we make sure that it is the best and only option for the horse. We would euthanize them (or actually, Rachel would). Then, they’re buried on property with a memorial stone.

29. Would the rescue’s leadership and/or caretaker(s) consider shipping to slaughter as a possible life-ending method?
Absolutely not.

30. Are you open to a request from donors for pictures and/or other information about a rescue animal that has received funding via ABR?
Yes! We have a website and Facebook. www.atonoflove.org Plus, we love visitors and we are open at all times to our friends at Camelot!!!


  1. This organization is under criminal investigation for abuse, neglect, and numerous commissions of fraud. If you have made monetary contributions to this group, the Chenango County sheriff's office requests your assistance: 607-334-2200.

  2. STEPHANIE HANCHETT, owner of A Ton of Love Draft Horse Rescue in Guilford, NY was ARRESTED TODAY for SCHEMING TO DEFRAUD and for ANIMAL CRUELTY.

    See local news media and Facebook outlets for full details as they are released. https://www.facebook.com/ATOLfacts

  3. Chenango County Sheriff Office

    Date of Arrest: 6/29/2011
    Location of Offense: Town of Guilford

    NAME: Stephanie M. Algiere-Hanchett AGE: 28
    ADDRESS: Town of Guilford STATE: N.Y.

    CHARGES: Scheme To Defraud 1st, Animal Cruelty

    CIRCUMSTANCE: Chenango County Sheriff’s Office arrested Stephanie M. Algiere-Hanchett for Scheme to Defraud and Animal Cruelty after she solicited funds through A Ton of Love Draft Horse Rescue for the Hernia surgery of a 2 year old percheron Prince Argo and used the funds to purchase other items. Stephanie failed to seek medical attention for the horse after receiving the money for the surgery. Stephanie failed to care for the needs of 2 horses at the rescue. Stephanie was arraigned in the Town of Guilford Court and held at The Chenango County Correctional Facility on $2500.00 cash bail. Stephanie is to reappear in The Town of Guilford Court on 7/1/2011

    COURT *C*T*V*: Town of Guilford

    Investigating Officer: 0602
    (For contact purpose only)
