(Stephanie Writing)
He's a damn handsome horse! Look at his gorgeous mane. What an amazing guy! We're the lucky ones!!! |
Today, I dragged my sorry but out of bed at 5am. I had just gone to bed at 1:45am because I was up playing on line doing various rescue related things. I make it sound like a big deal, but I wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway.
Bob Casse, a family friend, who does Horse Transport *in addition to being on of the FINEST human beings to ever walk the planet*, was kind enough to take me to Camelot Auction in New Jersey on about 15 hours notice. Considering he is Corrections Officer for NYS, Father of seven, grandfather of 16 and great grandfather of 8 -- there isn't a whole lot that anyone could throw at him and find that he couldn't handle it.
Bob has an amazing truck for performance hauling and two nice trailers, a two horse straight load and a three horse slant, so I wasn't worried about the equipment.. which is AWESOME.
Well, after four and half hours of listening to me talk, (He now is among the privileged few people on this earth that know that Boys from Brazil is one of my favorite novels, I secretly love John Wayne movies, I cry when I talk about Mickey Mantle and know a freakish amount about things like Benjimin Franklin, ice fishing, and a whole host of other things that I talk about after four cups of coffee and no sleep.) we finally arrived at Camelot.
In a humorous side note: I walked into the 'Office' of Camelot and found four, white haired, scruffy middle aged men smoking cigars and playing poker at 11am on a Monday. I was so happy by this fact, I had a big grin. They must have thought I was a real weirdo. But really, it was just like something out of a 'B' gangster drama about a cop from the wrong side of the tracks who is forced to go under cover in his own family or something.....
I met Heather, a fellow Camelotian who I had talked with when looking for transport.
Weston trailered like an old pro! He was a little anxious to get off the trailer. (Wouldn't we all be??) But calmed down as soon as we got him into the pasture! He took a nice drink and then went of in a cute little trot to explore his new surroundings.
After a few more pets and an apple, we headed in to the house. Weston was happily eating hay. (The other horses were staring at him from across the paddock but he didn't seem to care.)
More information on Weston to come~!
THANK YOU JESSLYNN PETERS!!! You're a CHRISTMAS ANGEL!!!!!!! The world needs more people like you.
THANK YOU JESSLYNN PETERS!!! You're a CHRISTMAS ANGEL!!!!!!! The world needs more people like you.
It was great to meet you yesterday and glad that you had a safe journey home!