Winn is an 18 hand Belgian that is 2,000 lbs. and is very fit and handsome. He has great feet. He is around 10 years of age. He was abandoned in Minnesota, so his past is a mystery. He is missing his left eye and has partial vision in his right. He is broke to drive and probably ride.
He is uncomfortable with his sight loss which makes him a little jumpy but would definitely overcome this with time and trust! In my experience, horses with sight loss are even more amazing! They learn to trust their human and horse friends and live amazing, full lives!
E-mail me for more details and pictures! He is another horse I'd keep for myself but he has to stay in Wisconsin or surrounding states! I know I have some followers from there! Let's get him a forever home!!!
He is uncomfortable with his sight loss which makes him a little jumpy but would definitely overcome this with time and trust! In my experience, horses with sight loss are even more amazing! They learn to trust their human and horse friends and live amazing, full lives!
E-mail me for more details and pictures! He is another horse I'd keep for myself but he has to stay in Wisconsin or surrounding states! I know I have some followers from there! Let's get him a forever home!!!
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